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Meet our Principals


Phone: 260-724-3137

Qualifications: Bachelor's Degree in Education - Indiana University South Bend. Master's Degree in Education - Ball State University. Administrator's License

Principal, Mrs. Renee Hutter

 I am Mrs. Hutter, principal at Bellmont Elementary School. I am honored to have the responsibility of leading the education of our students in order to prepare them for future successes. I believe my job as a principal is to be a mentor and guide both students and teachers towards achieving their best. 

My Philosophy for Education:

I believe that every student deserves a well-rounded education by implementing innovative teaching strategies, encouraging collaboration, and maintaining open lines of communication with parents. We put efforts towards creating an inclusive and positive school culture to help students develop not only academically but also socially and emotionally, preparing them for the challenges of the future. 

I grew up in Goshen, IN and graduated from Goshen High School. I attended Indiana University of South Bend for my bachelor's degree and Ball State for my masters. I have worked in education for over 16 years in several different roles including elementary teacher, instructional coach, assistant principal, and principal. I have always had a passion for education and the opportunities it can bring in life.

My family recently relocated to Decatur, and we are excited to be a part of this community! My two kids (Reagan and Parker) will also be attending Bellmont Elementary. My husband (Joe) works for Allen County and does all things construction. We love being outside and one of our favorite things to do is go swimming in the summertime. When I have extra time (which isn't very often with 2 kids 🙂) I love to relax and read with a cup of coffee in my hand.

 I am blessed to be a part of your child's educational journey and look forward to watching them grow!



Phone: 260-724-3137 ext. 3002

Qualifications: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education Indiana University Master of Education Indiana Wesleyan University Principal Licensure Program Indiana Wesleyan University Mentor Teacher Certification Region 8 NIAAA Certified Athletic Administrator - 2020 [CAA] NIAAA Registered Middle School Athletic Administrator - 2020 [RMSAA] NIAAA Registered Athletic Administrator - 2017 [RAA] NFHS Certified Interscholastic Coach - 2014 NFHS Accredited Interscholastic Coach - 2012

Assistant Principal, Mr. Tim Myers


I am Mr. Myers, assistant principal and athletic director at Bellmont Elementary School. I am excited about the opportunity to support your child's academic successes. I, personally, believe that is our responsibility as educators to model proper life skills at all times. It is my responsibility to support our team, parents and students, and school community in carrying out activities that help to ensure that all students reach a milestone of excellence in their academic path.  

My Philosophy for Education:

At our building, we demonstrate keys to success every day by: investing in our profession, modeling growth throughout our career, establishing a comfortable environment for student learning, and establishing relationships with students that provide the ability to relate on personal and instructional levels.

I am proud to know that you have entrusted your student in our care and I look forward to working with you to prepare your student for both middle school learning and activities, and life.

My wife Katie (Litchfield) and I live outside of Decatur with our two sons, Duke Madison and Gabriel Jeffery.  Duke and Gabriel are my best friends ever and when I grow up, I want to be just like them!  We have two other family members as well---Lizzy & Burroughs.  Of my “children” Lizzy is an English Setter and Burroughs is a Bernese Mountain Dog.  Besides working at Bellmont, I coach wrestling at Bellmont High School and am the owner of Madman Wrestling Academy.  Wrestling has always been a huge part of my life and I have a passion for continuing Bellmont’s strong wrestling tradition and carrying that across to other sports at Bellmont.  I enjoy NCAA Division I Wrestling, NASCAR, Notre Dame Football, Kansas City Royals Baseball, Miami Dolphins Football and riding my Harley Davidson.  My favorite things in life, however are my faith and hanging out with my awesome family.  

Thanks for taking time to get to know me. I look forward to our time together throughout the next few years.